I'm generally not a fan of deckbuilder games like this, or so I thought...avoided this game for years and well, hot damn! What a game!

I've had to reevaluate and give it a 5star, the more I played and tried out more decks the more and more I thoroughly enjoy what is a genre I generally did not find any interest in.

Just when I thought a 5/5 was enough I can honestly say that this game after delving into mods has an extremely healthy mod scene that rivals some of the best which is what I usually look for in a perfect 5/5 indie game since that usually turns a 40-400 hour game into potentially a 4000+ hour game. There are more than enough mods such as Infinite Spire, Replay the Spire, Packmaster, Downfall, just to name a few that completely change up the game. Packmaster alone is an absolute beast of a mod and probably my favorite so far.

Reviewed on Oct 14, 2023
