Sonic 06 is an unfortunate ambitious game that had a good amount of stuff going for it, the story is the biggest with the highest stakes in the franchise and it has the most playable characters. But there is some gigantic problems that happened during development, 1. Yuji Naka left Sega, 2. The team was split in half to work on Secret Rings, and 3. The game had to release in 2006 instead of being delayed in order to fix some of its glitches, problems, or even giving the story another draft. Leaving us with a game that is damn near franchise killing and deserving of its title as one of the worst games of all time.

Every character genuinely plays like shit, yes even Sonic and Blaze. Especially with the amigo characters being unplayable as fuck. This game honestly does feel like an evolved version of the Adventure formula with how the story is told through different perspectives. For P-06, I appreciated that since the characters were the best they ever controlled in 3D in my opinion, and they are well integrated into the stages. But in this game its undermined by so much shit and glitches to the point that its nearly unplayable. Don't even get me started on Shadow and Silver stories which while I preferred over Sonic in P-06, is the exact opposite here oh my god they actually fucking suck to play as. The story sucks and as I said NEEDED another draft, why did they put a romance in this game, it would have been better if it was just a normal friendship, WHAT WERE THEY THINKING. The soundtrack goes hard which is one of the only redeemable things about this game, right next to how funny the game can be due to several glitches and incompetent moments. And as Clement said in his review, the game using the name "Sonic the Hedgehog" is feels disgraceful considering the low quality of this game, this is basically just Sonic Adventure 3 (yeah that's right Sonic fans, we already have Adventure 3) (which is also kind of disgraceful the more I think about it) making it the Shrek the Third of the trilogy. I love how it basically recons itself out of existence at the end but that doesn't excuse the fact that this game is pure dog water. The most surprising thing about this game is that I like it more then Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic 4 Episode I, so that's interesting.

Just because I adore Project 06 doesn't mean I find this game good at all since like I said, even though they do share the same level design, P-06 feels like a different game compared to this. Can't wait for when The End of the World update comes out though, that should be fun.

Reviewed on Mar 21, 2024
