Cyberpunk 2077 isn't something I expected to enjoy at all. I am not really into futuristic setting presented in media like this, but Cyberpunk handles it so well. It feels so dystopian while remaining so exciting and exhilarating. The combat is so fluid with the skill tree giving you so much room to make the character YOU want. I absolutely love using shotguns in this game. It gives me the same joy I get walking into Quarry Junction in Fallout: New Vegas with armour piercing shells in a riot shotgun and battering the Deathclaws with a combination of the Shotgun Surgeon, Piercing Strike, and Super Slam! perks.

I haven't even gotten to the narrative yet. I haven't played the DLC, so I don't think I'm qualified to talk on the main quest quite yet, but I will say that Johnny Silverhand is one of the most interesting characters I've ever seen in gaming. Since he's planted in your brain, you can't escape him, he's always there, quipping about your actions. It is a really cool way to always have a character that pushes along the story.

What I will praise in depth is the message of the game. I recently wrote a review of Call of Duty: Black Ops III and absolutely thrashed it because of its romanticized portrayal of a world where humans are so technologically advanced, that they exist more as an iconography for rebels who miss the days of when the world was better. Going "Cyber Psycho" is honestly such a scarily poetic way to show how little is left in this world of technological advances. It is honestly kind of beautiful in a very morbid way that people would rather go out in a blaze of glory with Cyber Psychosis than rot in their body and die a normal, healthy way. If you don't know what I mean, watch Edgerunners and you'll understand (Maine and David are the best characters, don't @ me).

Overall, Cyberpunk 2077 amazes me with how it manages to be an open world western RPG that actually gave me reason to care and ponder the world around me. Now only if we had more games like Fallout: New Vegas and Cyberpunk 2077.

Also, on a COMPLETELY unrelated note, I'm astonished that people thought this game was remain unplayable for the rest of time. You guys seem to forget that games like South Park: The Stick of Truth, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, and Fallout: New Vegas was just as, if not, more unstable when it launched (The latter two still being nearly unplayable on PS3 (It started off so good, now it runs at 6FPS max)). Am I excusing the launch of Cyberpunk 2077? No, that would be ridiculous. I just think it's strange how people tend to react so harshly at games when they release, thinking they will forever be bad.

Rating: S
Genre(s): First person shooter, RPG

Reviewed on Dec 14, 2023
