Yeah, I know, The Darkness II isn't the most high brow first person shooter. It is just an angst ridden mess with janky gameplay. The story is shit and it shouldn't be rated higher than a 3/5... but you see, I don't care.

This year has been awful for me so far. I'm not going to get into details, but I have just wanted to give up at so many different points. There hasn't been much bringing me from one objective in life to another. The Darkness II is easily the most pleasure and joy I've had so far this year. Just a game I could turn my brain off to and play before and after work. Something that made me forget about bills and my Grandma's death. It just distracted me from life and to give it anything below a 5/5 doesn't seem right to me.

I can't necessarily say I recommend this game, but I will say that if you ever are in a rough spot, remember to pick up a game and enjoy it despite what critical reception might say of it.

Rating: S
Genre(s): First person shooter

Reviewed on Aug 16, 2023
