For a fair few years now I've wanted a GBA micro, the novelty factor is just too big, and I'm pleased to say I wasn't wrong.

I've spent the time since getting the teeniest tiniest gameboy digging up and looking at my old carts, I was baffled to find this among them, the memory of it being long ago lost but I figured I'd give it a go.

Right away I can see why I forgot about it, as tempting as it is to dump on the game....I really cant. It's a gba port of MoH U and that's exactly why its so easy to put aside and forget really.

It's not like a bad Doom port where you can barely see what's going on, squinting at everything bleeding together, its exactly what I remember from the ps1 but low rez as hell and while I had a buzz playing through the first level again I can't say there's much motivation to continue, but maybe that's a mark of MoH's age more than anything.

The port is honestly impressive, barring any issues further in the game that I don't know of, as with any of these GBA games that far exceed its grasp I can't help but love the ambition and effort.

I definitely think its worth looking at if you enjoy FPS's and or low rez ports.

Reviewed on Jul 08, 2022


1 year ago

There was a GBA version of this? Wow. I only played the PlayStation version and thought it was great at the time.

1 year ago

@FallenGrace I think the two versions were actually merged on Backloggd for quite some time. I only noticed out post-1.10 that I had the wrong one in my backlog. I got the GBA game as a teenager because I loved Allied Assault so much, but I never spent enough time with it to finish.