Each game is wonderful to go trough. And each one builds upon the last game, making for a great treat when progressing from Spyro 1 to 3. Never played the originals, but playing all 3 of these to 100%+ completion was a sight to behold. Quite literally actually, as each game looks and plays fantastically.

Only issues is that the game could get a bit repetitive (especially the first game), and 100%+ for each game was a bit of a slog. But it still remained very fun. Then the game had a few glitches and visual oddities. Not enough to sour the experience, but enough to go, "Huh, that don't look right," a few times. Plus the high frame rate bug is just a weird thing that I'm shocked they have not patched yet.

Nevertheless, this remains an exceptional trilogy of wonderfully remade games and I recommend everyone gives them a shot, newcomer or not.

Reviewed on May 17, 2024
