Red Dead Redemption 2 is a game I rather would have loved to watched than played. It aims to fully immerse you in its world with the most realistic ways possible. This is both its strength and faults.

The game play of RDR2 is a complicated mess. On one hand, I loved many aspects, but I did not love many more. For example, controls are clunky with Arthur having a mind of his own sometimes. Story missions are also repetitive with either a.) go from point a to point b while killing some people on your way there or b.) go through hordes of enemies. The gun play is fun enough in short bursts, but quickly becomes boring and stale the more enemies you kill in a row due to there not being any real creative ways to kill enemies. Couple this with Rockstar's outdated design with constantly feeling to need to hold your hand through missions. If you don't do it Rockstar's way, it's the wrong way. Plus, the game's realism bursts through with constantly having to wait long times with horse riding to the actual mission while listening to someone talk, or watching a 15 second animation of skinning or looting something. All the extra side stuff (hunting, fishing, etc) can be fun, but quickly becomes useless when money is easy to come by and food is even cheaper to buy than hunt for.

However, while all of the above frustrated me to no end, RDR2's commitment to enthrall you in its world shines through in the parts I loved the most. Red Dead Redemption 2's world is jaw dropping to explore and look at. The attention to detail to amazing and the type of people you meet are always incredible to see and interact with. I have never fallen in love more with the journeys of characters than with RDR2's cast. Seeing most of them dynamically shift and change throughout, brought to life by the impeccable animation and voice acting, made me push through the mediocre game play to see what happened next in the story. While the story gets a bit messy in the ending portion, it still remains as one of the best stories I have ever experienced in a game. Arthur Morgan is by far my most favorite main protagonist in any game due to his personal self journey and discovery.

The push and pull this story experiences with its cast is unlike any other game I have seen. The world, animation, attention to detail, voice acting, music, characters, and story are unlike anything I have ever seen in a game before. I just wish there was a game to stand side by side with it in all its greatness.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is a great game. It's one I am going to be thinking about for a long time. And while I may not have enjoyed actually playing it all that much, I would not trade the experience I had with this world for anything else.

Reviewed on May 17, 2024
