A great story with great characters and world building, but marred with pretty samey combat and copy paste side quests.

An incredible story filled with intimate character relationships and interactions, backed by a mostly improved combat system that suffers a bit from over simplification. For sure has its issue, but it's my favorite in the trilogy.

A mediocre game that has the best combat (mostly, that attaching to walls when sprinting is annoying), but suffers greatly in feeling like a cheesy action flick that takes itself way too seriously. It wastes your time in terms of game play and story. Plus, it all leads to an ending that is a joke. ME3 is at its best when it focuses on tying up stuff from ME2 and ME1 (the individual character endings were all pretty great imo), but it's at its worst when trying mostly anything else. The Citadel DLC is the part about this game as it does not take itself very seriously among other improvements.

Overall, my 130 hours in this trilogy were well spent. I must add this collection has a multitude of bugs and glitches. Nothing was super game breaking, but a lot made me restart due to being soft locked. But overall, I can see why this trilogy is so well loved. It's a great road trip, even if the destination is awful.

Reviewed on May 17, 2024
