My second foray into the Shin Megami Tensei and I was pretty excited to play this one due to its strong late 90s Y2K Punk asethtic which I found very appealing. When it comes to presentation, this game is an easy 10 with an extremely likable cast, great music and interesting setting/story. The concept of being and underground hacker group that goes against an evil corporation is very of the time but the presentation makes the group unironically cool.

This is my first proper dungeon crawler and I have my grieveances mainly due in part to some of the old video game desing methods. The random encounter rate can become a little ubearable in some of the larger dungeons where you just want to finish a puzzle and progress but instead instead your bombared every few steps. Thankfully there a measures to limit this rate as well as a diffuclty adjustement option you can acess anytime.

The game is not terribly difficult or long and allows for a lot of customization of demon parties with a staggering amount of demons to collect and fuse. Its 100 hundred percent worth checking out especially if you love the type of "turn of the millenium" asethetic that so many games of this time had at the time.

Reviewed on Jul 30, 2022
