While undeniably a pioneer of the genre, the original Streets of Rage is kind of hard to go back to. For the most I had no real problems with the game with the combat against regular enemies being pretty fun. I found it satisfying to memorize each enemies specific quirk and utilize that to dominate the levels.

My major complaint comes from the games atrocious bosses. For certain bosses I found no clear way to continuously attack them without using the limited special moves. The strategy for some fights, especially the Mona and Lisa fight, was to die and use my special attack to wipe out the boss. This strategy failed me in the last level since your now allowed to use special attacks. As a result I wasn't even able to beat the game.

Its still worth a try if your curious and it would probably be a lot better with a buddy to play with. As it stands, this is the weakest main entry in the series which means it can only get better from here.

Reviewed on Jul 31, 2023


10 months ago

To beat the sisters I went to the edge of the screen and back kicked them (hold attack the entire time and hit jump, or vise versa, I can't remember which one you held) whenever they got close. So you don't move and just face away from them and kick them when they get close, they essentially just slowly walk towards you. The bosses are bullshit and most of them require you to try and find cheap tactics to have any fair chance of beating them.

Haven't played the sequels yet but I heard the third one was a lot more unfair so not looking towards slogging throught that one.

10 months ago

Interesting, I figured there was a way to attack them it’s just not really fun to figure that out in the moment while having half of your health drained with every attack.

9 months ago

Yeah figuring out how to properly fight the bosses while they slog through your lives is annoying, especially when you have to start over the full game each time they cream you.

With the sisters, one of them only jump kicks and one just walks to grab you, I think there was a way to use this knowledge to have a more proper fight but it was still a bad boss battle.