Monster Prom but Twoer.

Still has the same problems as the original (being pigeonholed into a single romance path at the very start of the game through a semi-vague question, answers to scenarios being l0lrandom enough where it's difficult at times to discern what stats they draw from, the writing itself being super hit-or-miss, special endings requiring you succeed at most three sequential events in a row or else you fail it for the entire run, knowing you had an essentailly 50/50 chance of actually having fun or just being treated like a jackass, etc.) The difficulty is also unexpectedly high, my friend essentially aced every question with Aaravi until the very last event, which caused him to fall out with her at the very last second. It's also like, really hard to keep up the energy to read out loud for even the short games when you're not a YouTuber (~90 minutes). But hey, it's more Monster Prom, so if you like that I guess you'll like this one as well.

(Also also also the amount of Whedonisms/Lampshade Hanging in these games is sometimes just...too much? We encountered the Evil Capitalist Billionaire CEO who threatened to bulldoze the camp to make a shopping mall like, 4 different times. Yeah, I get it, it's a common camp trope and you're intentionally drawing light on it for comedic effect, write something else it's getting tired)

Reviewed on Dec 22, 2023
