A very ambitious 3D platformer/collectathon full of content. There's a wide variety of challenges, levels, characters and mini-games, and the world in general is fun to explore. The characters all bring their own charm and abilities, and the graphics are good for an N64 game.
However, back-tracking is frequently required because in general a collectible can only be picked up by 1 of the 5 kongs, and the trek to a tag barrel so you can get the right one interrupts the fun constantly. There is a mod that allows you to "tag anywhere" which would bump the rating of this game at least half a star in my book.
The framerate can drop at times especially in some of the more open areas, and the mini-games that you have to do to earn golden bananas are not well-balanced; some challenges are incredibly easy, while others are maddeningly hard.
Overall, it's a fun game, extremely impressive for its time, but it tries to do too much. Definitely worth a play for fans of 3D platformers

Reviewed on Aug 18, 2023
