I have a lot to say about this game but not a lot of motivation or reason to say it all. I will say a little though.

I start with this: this game is not "fun." I almost never thought to myself, "oh wow, I'm having so much fun! This is great!" which I often naturally do when a game is really a good time. The gameplay, for most of the game, is just pretty bullshit and unfun. Stuff where you do it over and over, death after death, to finally finish the segment you're on and not feel like you have actually improved at the game at all. There is little feeling of accomplishment after you finish a challenge. Given that, the game just often feels a little hollow considering the gameplay, and your little victories do not really feel like they're amounting to much. Again, I could be more specific, but I feel like if you play the game for just a little while, you'll feel exactly the same.

Now concerning everything else about the game? I'm quite the fan! I'm a freaky little creature and this game itched most of the right spots. Anyone knowing what this game is going into it would probably agree. I do not think you'll be disappointed by the actual content.

I enjoyed the story for the most part, though I do feel the multiple bad endings are not quite necessary. The multiple true endings, for the most part, felt unique and offered different perspectives on how the story could actually turn out. I additionally have a lot to say about the story, and one day I do hope to write a deeper review about just this.

Artistically, I loved it. The music was simple but really good! I actually did not expect to like the music as much as I did. The animations and sprite art were perfect as well. I am a big fan of the style this game. It is hard to describe the vibe it gives me. A very GBA inspired late 00's flash game sort of feeling but in the best way possible? Hard to explain.

Unfortunately, the fairly well crafted story and extremely good artistic aspects of these games are linked to a game that is often not very fun to play... but I did enjoy my time with it. One of those ones where I just really fit into the niche so no matter how much I want to dislike it, I just cannot do it. On the other side of that coin, if you know you fit the niche of this game ahead of time, I think you will have a good time whether or not the game is bullshit.

Just a final thought, I think this game could also REALLY benefit from some trigger warnings. Though I mostly like the "content" of the game, there are some bits that really just did not vibe with me at all and I think I would have felt better if I knew those bits were coming. Specifically, there are some parts with needles (specifically used needles) that I think should almost require that a warning be placed in the game.

Reviewed on Jan 06, 2024
