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Zone of the Enders is a cult classic Konami franchise with mechs. The first game in the franchise had the potential to be good, but it ended up being alright.

I was into the story at first, but as the game went on, it became predictable. Even if you never played or seen anything mech related, I believe you can piece together what will happen. It did not help that Leo's English voice actor did an awful job. I could not stand his voice after an hour of playing. It started to get ear grating. Everyone else did an OK job on the voice acting.

The gameplay was decent. I thought the controls were decent, but the combat was basic. Just press R2 then Square and you will win almost every battle. It can be the Dash Shots from a distance or the Dash Slash when up close. There are weapons given to you throughout the game and I rarely used them.

The camera sucks in this game. Moving it with the right stick takes forever and I do not like that the fastest way to move it is from the direction you are facing. Play the game yourself and you will discover how odd it feels.

Frame rate issues are a thing in this HD version. When there is too much happening on screen, the game starts to slow down.

I will say that I like the Jehuty’s design, the mech Leo pilots in the game. I think the design looks cool and I like the color scheme. The music was good from what I remembered.

Zone of the Enders had potential to be a good game, but the predictable story and basic combat prevents that from happening. I hope its sequel, The 2nd Runner, makes improvements.

Reviewed on Apr 11, 2023
