A decently short (around 6 hours) but sweet beat 'em up game. While there's some frustrating segments (biker gang, most of the bosses tbh, heavies, most minigun/other instakill moments), overall most of the levels are fun to kick ass in to whichever kickass song the level uses.
The story is mostly passable and just there to give an excuse for you to go around beating everyone up, although I will say that in the last 10 levels I suddenly got actually interested in it for some reason and actually felt a bit sad at the end.
Skills all either help make you live out a power fantasy where nobody can touch you or do nothing at all (can't say I noticed any parry skill after the first one affecting my gameplay ever), though PC controls might not have helped with that.

While I'm not sure how quick I'd be to jump on them, I'll probably be down for the eventual DLC/sequel the game seems to tease happening at the end, even if I'm not sure how they'll continue it at all. Hopefully it'll be more consistent with the level quality and have better boss fights, as with the foundation this game sets up that'd be enough to have it become one of my favorite DLCs/indie games.

Reviewed on Sep 10, 2022
