I really enjoy Rayman Legends! Gorgeous game, fun to play… but maybe a little too easy.

One thing I preferred about Origins is it felt like a challenge to get all the Lums in a stage. You really had to work for it, plan things out. Here in Legends, it was incredibly rare to not get the gold trophies on every stage.

I’m also not a big fan of how the game just kind of… stops. The final boss is a big hand made out of little fuzzy men. No build-up and once you defeat it, it’s done. Rayman Origins had the whole final chapter with The Magician, it felt like the adventure led up to something. OH WELL I GUESS!!!

But despite these nitpicks, it’s still a great game. Loved unlocking different characters, the music stages are a lot of fun.

Hoping to see Rayman get another game sometime soon! Aaaaany day now…

Reviewed on Sep 27, 2023
