So, I’ve never played a Little Big Planet game before! This is my first time with Sackboy (the character), and hey, I liked it!

I feel like it’s not the most AMAZING game I ever played, but it was cute, fun, pretty, GREAT music.

One thing that’s kind of weird, and this is a me thing, not the game, is I feel like I’m just not a huge fan of craft themed artificial worlds. It’s weird, since I’m an artist, I SHOULD like this stuff a lot! But I’m just not super into the artificial nature of games like this.

HOWEVER!!!!! I think it’s done pretty well here, pretty charming. I dunno what the difference is, and it still kind of holds me back from absolutely loving this game, but I still thought it was pretty charming.

I’m also not a super huge fan of how it feels. It just kinda feels weird to control. Again, I haven’t played any LBP games before this and I hear they ALL control kinda like this, but still, didn’t love it.

Holy hell, that last Knitted Knight trial is tough. I hear that one’s a Platinum ender for a lot of people. Which I totally get, it’s a NIGHTMARE. But I DID it! Hell yes I did.

But otherwise, I liked it a lot! I was still riding my Lost in Random high, so I used the Even costume the entire time.

I’m not sure if it’s the kind of game I’ll be playing again in the future, but I had a great time with it.

Reviewed on Feb 01, 2024
