This is exceptionally lazy even by Cod standards, it makes absolutely no sense that Cod still does the whole yearly release thing, now that they are literally bringing in all the weapons from the last game into this one.

Campaign: I liked MW 2019's campaign quite a bit, for the same reasons many hated it. I thought it was fascinating to see a story with such a warped moral compass, where any action taken by western militaries is justified, and the main thing causing terrorism is too many rules and regulations placed on the police (not that I agree with this, I just found it very engaging and entertaining). On top of that it had very slick audio and visual presentation and some great set pieces. MW3 2023 however has the worst story of any Cod campain by a long shot. There is absolutely nothing memorable in terms of story. It's completely bland and feels like it was written in about 10 minutes. I liked the open ended gameplay a little, but thats not what I want in a Cod campaign, I want crazy action with memorable characters and a fun well paced story. This has none of that whatsoever.

Multiplayer: It plays identically to last years modern warfare, and all the maps are from old games, there's really nothing new on offer here. It still bothers me that they don't use real names and designs for all the guns anymore, I think a big appeal of Cod is the jerking off of military technology, which is cheapened when you're shooting supermarket own brand AK-47s instead of the real thing.

Zombies: I only buy these stupid games every year becuase It remains the only series that I can consistantly get a group of friends to buy and play, only some of which are even that interested in gaming. And the zombies mode was one of the best modes to play with buddies, but much like that last few zombies modes, this is complete shit. Again, it's as low effort as physically possible, no characters, no unique map, it's not round based. Please Activision, just make a zombies only game with all the old maps, that shit would sell like crazy.

This is the first Cod game I've bought while being in full-time employment and just playing it for a couple hours feels like such a waste of time. I could literally be doing anything else, and I'm sitting here, shooting the same guns in the same places at the same people I was ten fucking years ago. I don't even hate this game, the gameplay still slaps (It's literally designed in a lab to be as addicting as possible so not really that suprising). It just brings nothing new to the table.

Reviewed on Nov 12, 2023
