I thought the main game was mindnumbing, but 100%ing this game drags it down to new leagues I didn't think possible. I got so bored that I restored to just using a guide during my last session to get me over the line and get this thing done.

Even if I hadn't made that choice, good luck getting the 200+ cryptic object shards without a guide, would take you hours to put the pieces together on what to do while slowly going back and forth between the hints and the notepad. If you choose to go with a guide instead, enjoy getting RSI from writing out 300 or so words and quickly dragging and dropping the items just to get it over with. Genuinely can't decide what's worse.

Like I said with the main game, a fascinating concept let down by dull, repetitive and needlessly formulaic execution.

Reviewed on Jan 09, 2024
