A serviceable kart racer slathered in LBP charm. That's as far as the compliments go. Drifting feels pointless and incredibly fiddly like a cheap iOS game and items feel like they're balanced for Battle Mode far more than the kart racing mode, which therefore makes them far too powerful and unfair in standard races (the green and red shell equivalents stun you for far too long, also most items are homing).

Customisation and creation online was obviously the name of the game here, but with the servers offline for years now and the game being locked behind an online pass when it was new to block preowned sales (ew), this game withered on the vine and therefore most of the intended functionality and replayability has been lost in subsequent years.

Play only if you're making your way through the LBP series, don't bother for any other reason.

Reviewed on Dec 08, 2021
