I still remember that initial trailer, and how hyped I was for a game to even approach what was shown. I was there day one for Infinite's release - and then I played and wow this was not what I (or many others) expected.

Gameplay is a lot faster than previous Bioshocks, akin to more conventional FPS's of the day. It makes it a lot more approachable but loses a lot of the world discovery which made the original so good. The vigors are the real star, though - they are all really fun to play with and combine in combat.

The story works well with the gameplay - it's diverse to begin with and up to about halfway (the first few hours are brilliant), with a nice mixture of shooting, stealth, and discovering the world. Then the wheels just come off, and the gameplay devolves into endless shooting galleries whilst the story just goes all over the place before vanishing up it's own ass. Urgh, I still hate that ending.

Somewhere in one of those alternate universes, a Bioshock Infinite exists with all the promise of that original trailer. Instead we have...this. And then 2K shut down Irrational so who knows what the next one will be like!

Reviewed on Sep 16, 2021
