If you like Dying Light at all, this DLC is ESSENTIAL. It added upwards of 20 hours of content after the base game, and the new driving mechanics and locations were enough that it made it feel like a sequel. Some of the beefiest DLC I've ever played, hands down.

It's insane just how much the driving around adds to the Dying Light formula without breaking what made it so addicting to me. In Harran, you're running around a concrete jungle, going from point to point on rooftop and killing zombies and completing little objectives inbetween.

The Following and its countryside with the buggy could are that same traversal system just wrapped under some really fun paint. You go place to place in the buggy, get experience points for driving all that. It just works. At times, I was having more fun here than I had in the base game. How they got driving to feel so good in a first person game about killing zombies, I have no idea.

The only gripes I have outright - the map can be confusing. It's big... but it's not all traversable, with a big ol mountain in the middle of it all. Driving around it was kind of a pain. Another thing was that I was really hoping for more unique weapon crafting, and while it does add in a few things, they weren't really viable in my end game, and I just ended up doing the boring thing of adding some status effects to an orange single handed and called it good. Some quests require you to "wait" for things to happen, so sometimes I would turn in a quest, leave, then they'd be like "hey can you come talk to me about [x] and I'd have to run all the way back to the same spot. Kind of annoying!

The only other thing I could see people get upset about is you can tell the quests are designed to keep you in the buggy for long periods of time. "Fetch [x] all the way across the map and then come back to me". Felt gamey, some people might not like that it feels very much like a compilation of fetch-quests running from place to place, but the buggy is just fun to drive. I didn't mind it.

The story was serviceable enough, more so than I could have imagined honestly. I was really captivated to uncover the mystery that is presented to the player in the beginning and it kept me hooked up to right before the end, and then the finale reeled me back in with a nuclear bomb of reveals and twists. Didn't see that coming! Was satisfied with everything narrative wise.

I've been thinking a lot about Dying Light 2... but honestly, The Following gave me enough of an extra dose of Dying Light that I'm not really interested in DL2 anymore lol. This is such a good DLC, if you haven't played it, and you're looking into getting Dying Light 2, get this first, for SURE. NameBrand.

Reviewed on May 27, 2022
