if you turn the music off and put eurobeat, this becomes 6/5

comically bad story, not great video editing/replay mode after missions (can only scroll through at 2x speed for a 20 min mission). SP campaign is fine on normal, challenging on hard. DLC Top Gun planes break the progression. The MRP grind for weapon and plane unlocks is also blehhh. Like i want to try all the cool planes you put in, why do i have to grind/repeat missions over and over to unlock them. Especially if i'm not interested in the multiplayer.

lack of co-op story mode or custom missions is unforgivable, as multiplayer after launch window is dominated by pros and it's hard to practice. if you had a forge mode and some other reasons to continue playing casually.

if it's on sale and you like planes that go neeeeeroooo, this is alright.

Reviewed on Apr 06, 2023
