Roguelikes have never been my favorite genre of game. Every single time I've tried to get into one, I just end up giving up at some point. Dead Cells had awesome gameplay, but I never felt like I was making any progress. I loved so much about Hades, but I just couldn't get past Elysium and it got so frustrating that I just wasn't having fun anymore.

Funnily enough, I actually didn't go into Risk of Rain 2 knowing that is was a roguelike. The only reason I picked the game up was because some friends of mine told me the multiplayer was fun, and because I had heard the song "...con letitud poderosa" and thought "Holy shit, whatever this is from I need to play."

I was obviously thrown off when I realized what I had gotten myself into. I expected to like it, but get bored with it eventually, just like what had happened many times before. But that didn't happen. Just about the opposite, actually.

I don't think I'm alone in saying that this game is basically the video game equivalent of crack. The basic gameplay is already rather fun, but the item system is quite possibly one of the best upgrade systems I've ever seen in a video game. Every round, you gradually obtain more items with varying effects, dealing more and more damage, inflicting a large range of status effects, and healing yourself with many different methods, until you're essentially an unstoppable killing machine. But the enemies are also gradually getting more powerful, and at a faster rate than you. You can kill most things in about 3 hits in the late game (even faster if you get lucky with your build) but so can the enemies. its perfectly balanced to be difficult but super rewarding too. Every time I died, I kept on telling myself "Just one more run." No other roguelike has ever done that to me before.

So, I kept at it, grinding at the game harder and harder until, just about 40 minutes ago, I finally got the god run. the circumstances surrounding my first victory are actually kinda funny. I was planning on just doing one round on monsoon difficulty before going and doing my homework (I had been playing on rainstorm most of the time, but I had just decided the other day to switch it to monsoon), but on my first attempt, I died during the stage one teleporter boss. I wasn't gonna let it end like that, so I immediately restarted, and, well, I think you can guess what happened.

If it wasn't clear already, I love Risk of Rain 2. Its not only an exceptional roguelike, but an exceptional game, and I plan to sink even more time into it than I already have. Also, Risk of Rain Returns cannot come soon enough. The 2D gameplay might throw me off a bit, but at least I'll get to hear more Chris Christodoulou bangers.

obligatory shoutout to him, btw, the music was half the reason I had the motivation to complete this game. will be looping for the foreseeable future.

Reviewed on Apr 24, 2023


The OST by Chris is full of bangers indeed. And yeah roguelikes are not my favorite genre of game either. FTL, Dungeon of the endless are just some games i've bounced off. But Risk of Rain sold me on the genre to try it. I didn't even try Risk of Rain 2 at launch, since I was concerned the 3D shift wouldn't appeal to me. Boy was I glad to be wrong lol. Game is crack. And there's plenty of mods to try too. Expansion is good in my books if you want more RoR2 goodness.
@Detectivefail yeah I was planning on getting the DLC whenever it goes on sale next. I've heard good things.