You know you made a good ass game when it is hard as hell yet I'm still having a good time with it.

There are so many good things I want to say about it but idk what to start with so I'll just list some things that came to mind.

-I love the freedom in how you are able to play the game thanks to offering different styles of play, the various different weapons that offer different uses and feels, and the customization between the two makes it really fun to mess things around with on replays and makes the more fleshed out combo system that much greater.

-Dante and Vergil both feel great to use and got a kick out of each of their unique strengths, it's hard to tell who I like more just because of how much I enjoyed each of them.

-I was a lot more engaged in the story than I was expecting, not only in how over the top and entertaining it can be, but also how surprisingly good the voice acting and performances were, especially given this was an era where video game voice acting at this time still needed time to improve.

-The graphics and art style I was really impressed by. I was surprised at the improvements and details the game had compared to the previous two games, while still being on the same console as them. Some areas honestly looked like something out of an early PS3 title, which made me really impressed with it overall.

-The soundtrack is an absolute fucking banger, that's all.

Overall, I'm not sure if I would call this a perfect game mainly due to how hard it can be along with some of the enemies, I feel, need some proper tweaking, but god damn, I now get why this game helped DMC actually become something worthwhile for a lot of people compared to 1 and 2. I am now looking forward to what the rest of the series offers.

Reviewed on Oct 08, 2023
