A game I was truly hyped for, and the most letdown I have been in a long time. A nonexistent story, forced microtransactions, and a massive amount of tedium people have mistaken for difficulty. The fast travel mechanics are very obnoxious, and you will want to travel back to a town to sell all your loot. The enemy variety is pathetic, and you will see the same goblins your whole time playing. The bosses are the highlight, and most are very fun and satisfying to go against. The pawn system is amazing but the game tied to it simply isn’t worth it. The classes are fun to play but the enemy variety is so poor, you’ll be bored after your first 5 hours. And you will always need a mage in your party as no other classes offers any real healing potential. Basic features being sold to you like character customization is ridiculous. Even multiple character saves was not available at launch. Wait for a sale months from now.

Reviewed on Apr 02, 2024
