I think Quantum break is a really interesting and great attempt at a mixed media narrative. It's not quite a show, not quite a video game. I think there's a lot that's great here. The decision making is really great in that no decision ever feels truly like the "correct" one, and the storytelling goes beyond the script and includes the environment and supplemental texts which Remedy does so well. The world field palpable and lived in, which goes a long way towards making the stakes of "saving the world" feel fresh.

I do think the combat is simply good to serviceable, and I almost wish this game focused fully on environmental exploration and storytelling to enhance a film narrative instead. I can see how that would be a touch too experimental though.

Overall really enjoyed my time with this one. I think someone who prefers gameplay over narrative would struggle to like this, but in a world where gameplay is almost always the primary driver of a video game, it's interesting to take a peek at a timeline where narrative is the well executed focus instead.

Reviewed on Aug 26, 2023
