Score: 90/100

Story: 9/10
Great story with brilliant characters. I will never forget Captain Price, Gaz, Nikolai, and even Sgt Griggs. The devs making you die after the nuke goes off was definitely the right decision after a good few missions where you get to become attached to your main character.

Gameplay: 10/10
So much variety. Before your general shootouts become boring or overdone, you switch to a turret section, an assassination mission, or a stealth mission. The gunplay is great and the controls are slick. Some of the greatest call of duty missions (from what I've heard) are in this game. All ghillied up for example is spectacular, giving you a choice whether to kill soldiers or walk past them, staying prone in the grass as soldiers as walk by, it is so tense and I love it.

Graphics: 10/10
Judging by 2007 standards, wow. This game looks fantastic, all you need to do is look at the nuke scene.

Soundtrack: 8/10
Not as good as black ops 1 or MW2's soundtracks but still damn good. A lot of iconic themes in this one.

Sound Design: 9/10
So good for 2007, Guns sound great, with all of them having their own unique sounds. It's just really good.

Artstyle/Art Direction: 7/10
Some very good art direction in a good few areas, but a lot of the time it can just turn into a mixture of dark greens, greys, and browns.

Extras: 9/10
While simple, the multiplayer, especially with friends, is a blast and so much fun.

Fun Factor: 10/10
I love this game, it's so much damn fun. Great characters, a great story, and a variety of gameplay sections in the campaign make this game one of my favourite FPS games and one of my favourite games of all time.

I highly recommend this game to literally everyone.

Reviewed on Jun 05, 2023
