Score: 47/100

Story: 2/10
All the characters are unlikeable dickheads, the story is presented as a TV show and is played in episodes which destroys the pacing and constantly makes me question how much time has passed and in general, the story is super boring and stupid and what I saw from a video on youtube is that the story is even more boring and stupid the longer it goes on

Gameplay: 5/10
Standard FPS mechanics with some interesting new ideas like warrants and evidence, but the general is gameplay is so boring and bland I never want to do those things. I can't really fault it though because it generally feels fine to control.

Graphics: 8/10
For an early 2015 game that was also released on last-gen consoles, it looks pretty nice but compared to other 2015 games like Arkham Knight and Black Ops 3, it doesn't really have a wow factor to bump it up past an 8.

Artstyle/Direction: 5/10
It's fine.

Soundtrack: 3/10
There could've been some good stuff in here but I forgot all the music anyway.

Sound Design: 8/10
Everything sounds nice and realistic, nothing mind-blowing but nothing to complain about either.

Extras: N/A
It could be because I played on Xbox or just that this is a shitty game, but I could not find anyone in multiplayer so I can't give it a rating.

Overall Fun Factor: 2/10
So boring. What a shitty way for Visceral Games to go out.

Reviewed on Jun 05, 2023
