Score: 55/100

Story: N/A
I really hope I can comment on this sometime next year.

Gameplay: 7/10
I really loved the first game and was excited to see what cool and interesting new changes the long-awaited sequel could bring. The changes they have made are making games 5v5 instead of 6v6, which is a questionable decision, a new game mode, which is fine, and a few character changes. That's it. The character changes that were made either take away from characters I used to like or were made to characters I don't even play. Sojourn is a fun new character, junker queen isn't for me and kiriko is locked behind a fucking paywall (which I will get to later). Overall the general gameplay is still solid, but it is barely changed from what we have been playing for over 6 years now.

Graphics: 8/10
Still looks pretty great but there are no noticeable changes at all.

Soundtrack: 6/10
Pretty sure everything is reused apart from the main menu theme.

Sound design: 8/10
The original's was good, so this will be good.

Artstyle/Art direction: 8/10
Can't find it in me to fault Overwatch's diverse selection of characters and locations.

Extras: 2/10
Firstly, any extra modes in the game are basically entirely the same as overwatch 1, they're fine. Secondly, the battle pass sucks. Locking characters behind 15 Australian dollars is absurd, considering we got every character for free in the last game. On top of that dumbass Blizzard forgot how to transfer people's skins and cosmetics over, so now I have lost many of the cosmetics I paid real money for.

Overall enjoyment: 5/10
Overwatch 2 has made me incredibly mad, but I still had fun when playing with friends.

Reviewed on Jun 05, 2023
