HUGE amount of content for the money and as long as you know going into it that you are in it for the long haul and treat it as such, I think it's very enjoyable, definitely a game to be played in small bursts over a long period rather than trying to grind it out in a few weeks.

I loved all the little nods to Norse and English folklore and popular culture in the side quests, the detail and historical references of all the locations were fascinating and the sheer scale of the open world was something to behold!

That said, having played other Assassin's Creed games, it's definitely very light on the traditional AC gameplay and whilst I enjoyed playing as Eivor, I found the conclusion of the story very disappointing and was expecting more of a send off for a character that I'd spent so many hours with, even the additional tacked on content released later didn't do Eivor justice.

As an English person with Viking heritage and a massive history nerd, I may be biased but I really had a good time with this game and most of the additional content. The Forgotten Saga DLC sucked though, not a fan of rogue-lites or the continuation of the Eivor/Odin weirdness which I was not a fan of in the main story either.

Reviewed on Mar 23, 2024
