duke 3d is amazing, one of my favorite shooters, maybe one of my favorite games, but my god this port sucks ass, especially on pc

-several removed episodes (including life's a beach, my favorite campaign)
-i can run most modern games maxed out or almost maxed out on my beastly $4k gaming rig i built, yet this shoddy port stutters
-cant rebind quicksave/load
-added the death rewind feature of the console versions
-randal's greasy magic

also despite being a port of one of the most notable pc first person shooters ever, somehow they fucked up the mouse in more ways than i can imagine.
-mouth smoothing (cant disable)
-mouse acceleration (cant disable)
-cannot assign actions to mouse buttons 4 or 5
-for some fucking reason, the mouse wheel for changing weapons is barely responsive? i need to scroll all the way up or all the way down really fast about 3 or 4 times in a row just to switch to weapons once...
-vsync forced on (adds delay to mouse aiming)
all this combined, makes for some of the worst mouse aiming ive felt. not a problem in megaton, that had great mouse aiming and was very customizable

and all of that is without even mentioning the new campaign. on the one hand, 8 new levels of duke is always welcome, especially when done by the original level designers, with added weapons, music, and enemies not seen in the original... on the other hand, its not very fun, and you're getting more, better content from megaton since world tour gutted several episodes. the new campaign doesnt really make up for it and should be the only reason you pick up world tour. even then i cant recommend it because you'd be giving randal money and also the new campaign isnt very good and is super short. it pretty much has a "bigger is better" approach to the design, with levels so big you cant even see the enemies shooting you past the fog, (btw i dont think fog was in the original) and the maps are just sprawling with countless enemies (and by countless i mean up to about 200) which is insane and impressive for the engine, but it just kinda gets tedious and obnoxious. not very hard, mostly due to the new "rewind on death" feature, but very annoying at times. there are a couple of impressive moments here and there, mostly with how the devs played with the engine and did things that were very clever, notably a part where you go around in circles and the area changes. but other times, its just frustrating and annoying in a way that just seems intentional, like theres an entire level where you have to blow up walls... but every single wall you blow up has about 7 or 8 other walls you need to blow up directly behind it... this isnt red faction, thats only cool when the entire environment is destructable. also it doesnt help that the campaign is super short. i get that its just kind of a bonus, but idk it felt too abrupt, like youre just going about the level and "oh theres a recolored boss from the original game. oh its the final boss. oh thats the end. ok." the new campaign had its good moments, i cant say its terrible or anything but man... it aint worth it. get megaton off a key site or pirate it or something. world tour is just a bad port that removes more than it adds and what it adds is mediocre.

Reviewed on Jun 19, 2021
