ihatovo monogatari is a special and unique game. few are really like it. in a sense, i suppose it's the 90s equivalent to a "walking sim", as there really is no gameplay to it beyond walking, talking to people and rarely using an item. but i wouldn't consider that a bad thing.
the game is based on some stories from the 30s that were apparently very popular in japan (night on the galactic railroad, it got an anime movie in the 80s which i might check out soon)
between the lack of gameplay, and me just not wanting to spoil it, there's not really much i can say about this game other than "i recommend it" but i'll try to do a quick summary
you play as... actually i dont think the name was ever said, but you arrive in the small quiet town of ihatovo, and look for journals belonging to kenji. each chapter of the game has you go to a new place and seeing a new story fold out, giving you another journal each time until you can finally meet with kenji. but my description doesn't quite do it justice, it's got a lot of charm and heart to it. in some ways it almost gives off a professor layton vibe.
just know its a pretty slow game, and despite the lack of gameplay, you will still need a guide. its also pretty short.
but despite those flaws i would still a must play game for the super famicom. experience it for yourself

Reviewed on Mar 25, 2023
