it's doom
its pre-prequel star wars
its lucasarts
and by god, it is as good as it sounds

it's not without it's flaws, however. i played on normal, and the game loves to just blow you up constantly, you will grow to HATE the mines, along with some of the level design. thankfully the game is rather forgiving, as you not only have the ability to save anywhere, like in any fps of the era, but also lives. and these arent just any lives, these are revives. instantly respawn close by with 100 health and shields, keeping all your stuff and all the enemies you killed are still dead. you can find em anywhere in the level and even hoard them with savescumming for when you really need them. dont think that makes the game easy though, if it wasnt for some cheap explosive deaths, id say this hits that sweet spot of difficulty. another downside is, while i wouldn't say the enemy variety is lacking, you do see the same 3 types of enemies for the majority of the game until the last few levels, and some enemies just arent seen again (although it does make sense why) and one enemy type just ends up being useless since he goes down in a few hits and can only melee you. the most common enemies (storm troopers and imperial commandos/officers) also just kind of feel like the same thing with different skins. the level design is also rather hit or miss. when its good, its fun and really feels like exploring low poly areas of the original trilogy. when its bad, its "where the fuck do i go". the weapons are also somewhat lacking, with the best option for most of the game just being the storm trooper blaster, until you get a slightly better and more accurate blaster later on thats otherwise identical. any explosives seemed like they were more likely to harm me, and a couple of the guns just seemed like downgrades
but dont let any of this deter you from the game, this is a damn good boomer shooter and well worth a playthrough

Reviewed on Jun 04, 2023
