Super Underrated Rare game. Definitely gets over hated due to the fact that it released about a year after Star Fox Adventures and the Microsoft Buyout. It's basically Rare's version of Luigi's Mansion. Main character gets trapped in a mansion full of monsters and they have to escape it by fighting their way out using the consoles secondary control stick. All the designs for the ghoulies are top notch, and while I don't feel Baron Von Ghoul is the best Rare villain, he's purposely 2 dimensional and over the top as the game was heavily inspired by things like Scooby Doo, so in that sense he fills his purpose. Cooper does suffer a bit from bland characteritis, but still has his moments and isn't completely forgettable. Definitely worth playing through if you've never experienced it before. A great game to add to your selection of Halloween classics. Best recommended to play it on Rare Replay where the game was given an incredibly nice remaster and upres for the collection.

Reviewed on Oct 18, 2023
