Not as good as Jackbox 7, but still has some insanely fun games and moments. JobJob is easily the breakout game of the pack and had already delivered some amazing moments for my friends and I. The Poll Mine is also a really fun cooperative vs. game about predicting rankings and can get pretty intense at times. Weapons Drawn is also insanely simple, but deceptively fun as a mystery drawing game. Sadly the big wet fart of the collection has to be The Enormous Wheel. The games questions are the most obscure curation of questions I've ever seen in any of these party packs. On top of that it's also very not fun to answer them as each question gives you what seems to be an average of 15-20 answers which feels just downright miserable. Definitely needing more tweaking and question overhaul to be more fun. Still definitely worth picking it up for the other games in the pack alone though.

Reviewed on Jan 05, 2022

1 Comment

2 years ago

tbh I love the trivia part of The Enormous Wheel. It's the wheel part I don't care for