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The story would've been better if they didn't make it obvious that Jason Todd was the Arkham Knight

Reviewed on Mar 20, 2024

1 Comment

2 months ago

I agree, I think the twist would be much better if it was teased in Arkham City or something. I don't like how Jason Todd never actually died. I think bringing in the League of Assassins make a lot more sense because then they actually play a part in the story yk, maybe he was revived with a Lazarus Pit in City. Just my idea but it allows for a better usage of the characters. Which is my main gripe with the game. Killer Croc not used in Stagg Airships was a mistake, Mr Freeze not playing a part in assembling the fear toxin antidote was ridiculous, and Deathstroke in a tank was even worse. I would've loved to see more villain interaction as well. Imagine poison ivy and mr freeze working together to assemble an antidote. Still without a doubt my fav arkham game though