I wonder how this game would've been if it came out after outer wilds.

But at the same time one minute is so short that you can't really design interesting puzzles to be solved in that amount of time. I felt the whole game like I was just brute forcing everything. I couldn't bring myself to stand still for even a second and think about what I am doing because of how stressful the time limitations are. Once I realized that the progress in this game comes from picking up items I had no reason to even use my brain, just find all the items as fast as possible. This game clearly prioritizes speed running over thinking.

My clear favorite puzzle was the one with the bulldozer opening up a shortcut into the factory. For three specific reasons:
1. you don't need to first find an otherwise useless Metroidvania type item to solve the puzzle.
2. Everywhere in that vicinity are those robot arms for the player to interact and get familiar with so when you see the bulldozer you kinda already know what to do.
3. It opens up a short cut

The old school Zelda combat felt dull, I just ran past every enemy. The obligatory boss fight at the end felt like they ran out of ideas and just stuck to video game clichés.
The fact that they had to use multiple starting points makes it painfully obvious that one minute is to short.

The gimmick was the selling point, but damn it got old fast.

Reviewed on Jul 19, 2022
