Playing the first mission after suffering through DMC2 twice for both campaigns is the biggest jump in quality I've ever seen from a direct sequel of a game. This is the actual definition of a perfectly paced action game. The story is incredible and learning about vergil arkham lady and especially dante was an amazing experience I think everyone should have once in their life. The combat in this game is really only rivaled by later games in the series, and even then it is just phenominal. The hardest choice I ever had to make in this game was choosing what weapon I wanted to use for each mission, as they all have their own unique qualities and benefits for every mission. The new style system is also amazing, with 4 and later 6 different options that all have the benefits and weaknesses making the game infinitely replayable, especially with the challenge of higher difficulties. There are really only 2 faults in this game and that is that some of the enemies are really fucking annoying to fight and one of the bosses is just ass but apart from that this game holds up incredibly well today. This game has easily crept up to be one of my favourites not just in the action game genre, but of all time, and is a must play especially in this day and age just to see why it gained its reputation that it did.

Reviewed on Jan 18, 2024
