Now this is the actual page for my favorite version of my favorite Ys game! It got mixed up with so many other ports and due to me searching it with the Wanderers from Ys subtitle I couldn't find this one. Anyways, Ys III Wanderers from Ys on the Turbografx16-CD / PCE-CD has what is, in my opinion: THE BEST SOUNDTRACK OF ALL THE 80s! "This port was released on 91" DON'T CARE, THIS OST's ESSENCE IS ROOTED IN THE 80S AND IS THE GREATEST REPRESENTATION OF ALL 80s MUSIC! Is such a fantastic soundtrack it turned a game with mid gameplay and just decent story into ONE OF MY FAVORITE GAMES EVER! I love this version's ost so much it somehow made The Oath In Felghana's remixes to feel like a downgrade somehow. THE OATH IN FELGHANA, calling yourself better than The Oath in f*cking Felghana is not something many games can be proud of.

Reviewed on May 27, 2024
