Kickstarter, am I right?

I haven't contributed to many Kickstart projects, and Yooka Laylee is not among those that I have, but I know what I'm getting into when I give money to these types of things. The end product always feels like something that wouldn't have happened if you hadn't pledged money years in advance, the corners are always cut wherever they possibly could have been. Kickstart a vinyl music release? Expect the disc to be paper thin. Kickstart a video game? Expect the finished product to feel like an over-polished beta release.

It's a little disappointing, but like many other high profile Kickstarter projects, Yooka Laylee is a spiritual successor to an established franchise spearheaded by industry veterans. I only decided to give this game another chance after years of considering it a total disappointment because I recently tried Donkey Kong 64 for the first time.

Compared to Donkey Kong 64 this is only slightly less directionless in its level design, though significantly less joyless in its character control. It isn't quite as utterly meritless as I once considered it, but this perspective only comes with the knowledge of just how bad it can get. The art direction is garish, the characters are terribly unappealing, the level design will have you questioning whether you're really taking the intended route (you probably are).

This doesn't feel like a throwback to late 90's platformers, this feels like a throwback to mid 00's direct-to-DVD 3D animated christian shows. I am the globglogabgalab. The schwabble dobble yeah, yeah, whatever, you get the idea. It's not very good, but it could be worse.

Reviewed on Oct 15, 2021
