This game just has no personality. Sure the cars look great, sure the tracks look great. But now that these games are all Game Pass released, Horizon is easily the more entertaining racing game available on Xbox.

Mix in an underwhelming new upgrade system, Forza Motorsport is just not worth it, especially when the competition on both systems is so good.

Because this isn't a Horizon entry, Forza Motorsport features no world "base" of sorts. It's a lot of menus. While Forza may not be alone in going for a more serious sim approach to the racing genre, the menus and UI in this game are incredibly bland and boring. Yep, these are menus. Gran Turismo at least tries to go for a stylish layout and visual presentation. Forza doesn't.

Now look, Forza Motorsport is a good playing game. The cars are gorgeous, the driving is nice, you can get DEEEP into the tuning portion if you are a sim fan. There is a good game here, it's just hard to feel good about this one when it's just so standard.

While the gameplay I can praise, there are issues I have with it and some of the new upgrade systems. First, the game locks certain upgrades. As you level up, the game will unlock upgrade/improvements that you can purchase for your car.

Want to upgrade your flywheel? Gotta level it up. Want to reduce the weight of your car? Gotta grind it out and level up. It's an unnecessary roadblock.

The better you drive, the more experience you receive and of course, the faster you level up. To make matters worse, when you do level up, you are only leveling up that individual car. If you get into a new car, you start back at 1.

On top of this grind, if you want to race (in a racing game?) the game practically forces you to practice before every. single. race.

You cannot on the standard setup menu get around this. You have to pick practice before starting the official race. You can exit out of the practice once you start the practice session but it's once again a completely unnecessary roadblock that just makes this game feel grindy and slow.

I always have high hopes for a Forza game and this one is good but a massive disappointment. If you are a hardcore sim gamer that needs a new sim racing game, go wild with Forza Motorsport 2023. Otherwise, stick to Horizon or Gran Turismo if you are looking for a sim style racing game.

Reviewed on Dec 13, 2023
