"No." That's my thought as I finished my last mission of the game. I just completed Chapter 3, I'm 19 missions in, and completely exhausted. I check the achievement list and there are 9 chapters in total. 51 missions. That's when I abandoned this content mill of a game.

It's hard to describe the repetitiveness, the lack of anything memorable so let's start with the most obvious issue: the 19 missions I played took place on 6 unique maps in total. Four maps were played quadruply, one map twice, one lucky map just once. Not many changes happen to the maps between the missions apart from the objective. Especially for my slower playstyle with lots of carefully knocking out and hiding enemies, it's atrocious to return to an area that you cleared in a previous mission that's now sprawling with them. Four times. On four maps.

Hey, it still could've been good. Unfortunately, even ignoring the inane repetition, the missions themselves aren't good either. There's one I distinctly remember: The map had two main areas. Unsure where to go, because the marker only appears when you're already rather close to the objective, I headed for one of the areas and knocked out everyone there - oh hey, one specific dangerous (now unconscious) enemy holds a quest item I can pick up! But apparently, I still need to to talk to an informant on the other side of the map. He says I gotta pick up this quest item (ok cool i'm so ahead of you) and kill the dangerous enemy - so let's run back to the guy, kill him, then run back to the informant for some reason, and then end the mission. Fun...? The newest Hitman trilogy had me repeating the same map over twenty times (voluntarily!) and it worked because the levels had incredible intricacy, which Aragami with its limited resources can't reach at all with its mere changes to enemy placements that you barely even notice.

It's obviously optimized for coop so maybe it'll be a blast there (which is the very least a coop mode can do), but the singleplayer experience is tragic. At first, I thought it would be more story-based like its predecessor, but after getting bombarded with a whackier world, giant tutorial screens straight out of 2014 (I know what parrying is thank you very much) and a very gamified experience, it was quite clear that this is a game game. Everything you know is in there - a skill tree? Crafting (which is actually just buying stuff at the store)? A hub world? Cosmetics? MORE cosmetics??? This game was stretched as far as possible. It has an achievement for skipping a cinematic, and 60% of players got it.

This is the first game I abandoned. I played worse games, but for shorter. Playing Aragami 2 feels like reading one of those spam SEO blog posts where all the paragraphs are the same but worded slightly differently. Play literally any other stealth game instead.

Reviewed on Mar 09, 2024
