Left 4 Dead 2 is the greatest co-op game ever made.

I'm not sure what to really say other than that. There are tons of games that both clearly influenced it and were inspired by it, but I've never had a co-op experience in anything that matched how fantastic Left 4 Dead is.

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I don't know when in Endwalker it was. All I know is it was in Endwalker.

There was a moment. It could've been when I realized I was fighting Zodiark at level 83. It could've been the nightmare that is the Final Days hitting Thavnair. It could've been the entire fucking Elpis sequence. It could've been the entire fucking Ultima Thule sequence, especially the walk. It even could've been at "That, I can't deny."

All I know is there was a moment where I paused, sat back in my chair, and seriously thought to myself for a few minutes:

"...Oh shit, is Final Fantasy XIV my favorite video game?"

You need to understand. I'm not someone who likes picking favorites. I usually like things and that's it. I hate judging what among things I really like is "better" than something else. So when I say that I came to this realization that, in fact, Final Fantasy XIV is my favorite video game, I do not say this lightly.

There are things I hate about FFXIV! I think ARR's a slog! I think Heavensward's story is kinda overhyped! Stormblood's MSQ! Just...Stormblood's MSQ! But to me, highs usually outweigh lows. I value the good parts of an experience much more than the bad parts. FFXIV has a lot of good parts even in what I think are the bad parts.

Endwalker is nothing but good parts.

Shadowbringers was great, but this? This cemented FFXIV as an all-time favorite of mine, and probably THE all-time favorite for me.