Fantastic game through and through. First of all, I love the visuals. It's like if you had PS1 Resident Evil, mixed it with some FF7 style character models and Silent Hill style enemy design and tapped it off with a bit of simple cartoonyness. All things considered it works suprisingly well.

The game also has a fantastic sense of atmosphere which is achieved not only by it's great and charming environmental design but also it's top-notch soundtrack.

The game isn't without its faults though. Gameplay-wise it is pretty good. About what you expect from a PS1-style survival horror game (minus the tank controls being optional which I think is a good change and the modern controls work well.) In terms of it's combat though. It's pretty alright but in my opinion way too easy. And I think I big part of the problem in that regard is that all the enemies are painfully slow so they really don't stand a chance. You also don't have a Melee weapon until after you beat the game for the first time (and even after that it's basically just a bonus thing) Which causes the game to really shower you in ammo so you almost never really run out. These two things combined make the combat servicable but ultimately not as engaging as it could have been. The puzzle solving also suffers a bit from being too easy but I think to a lesser extend. Apparently they have a Hard Mode coming in an update soon but what that exactly entails is still unknown at the moment but I hope that mode fixes some of my gripes with the combat or at the very least manages to lessen them. I don't except them to be able to do much with the puzzle solving considering how engrained they are into how you progress through the game but who knows. Maybe they'll figure something out.

Lastly I wanna quickly shoutout the story because there is a suprising amount of focus on that aspect. It was suprisingly gripping with a fun cast of characters and some suprising twists. It's not the most complicated thing in the world but despite that it's still better then you would expect and it serves it's purpose well.

Overall it's a great time with some great vibes and fun gameplay. Even if it's a bit easy. Definitely worth playing and in my opinion a pretty good game to introduce people to survival horror games.

Reviewed on May 15, 2024
