Starting off with the quality of the port. It's decent aside from the mouse acceleration on the main menu being lightspeed. So I was forced to use the arrow keys to navigate it. Though in game it was fine. If you want a Resolution Higher than 1024p you'll need to install a Widescreen mod.

The game's visuals are great. The game delivers a darker grittier take on Star Wars while still keeping the spirit of the movies intact. I did encounter some bad pop in here and there but it wasn't constant enough to be a major issue. The reload animations for your guns are super slick and the textures are pretty nice. One annoying detail is that your visor can get splattered with blood or oil and it obscures your vision. This happens frequently when you melee weak grunts and gets incredibly irritating. The visor displays all of the info you need to see in a cool stylish way while not being cluttered.

Aside from the usual John Williams score the game features some original music that has songs sung in Mandalorian. All of them really add to the atmosphere of the game and they don't feel out of place at all despite being so different from the norm of Star wars.

The story is rather generic and is really just an excuse to introduce certain things from episode 3 and the OLD EU. Where the game shines in this department is the characters. Every member of delta squad is enjoyable and talkative without coming off as annoying. Temura Morrison stands out in particular as the VA of Boss and spouting out one liners. The story is well paced but ends on a blatant incredibly frustrating cliff hanger. Said cliffhanger has no build up and just happens with no warning. Coming off as desperate.

The biggest issue with the game lies in the incredibly stupid enemy AI and the cheap artificial moments of difficulty. The enemies AI is not affected by the difficulty( this only changes their damage values). So even on hard they will bunch up in a cluster for easy pickings or will stay in one place forever and never bother to flank you. I also had many instances where enemies would get stuck on objects in the environment and stop firing altogether.

The game is very repetitive. You simply clear out one room of enemies, Hack a terminal then rinse and repeat for the majority of your playtime in linear hallways. The game loves to spawn more enemies on you when hacking terminals in order to pad out the difficulty. Two moments in particular stand out. One has you getting swamped by scavenger droids in a narrow hallway and another has SMG wielding mercenaries respawning until you finish hacking a terminal.

There are several moments where you are in a ocean of enemies and need to once again, hack a terminal. The worst example of this being "Belly of the beast" where you have to complete the level in five minutes. I failed this mission enough that I was able to speedrun it. This is just one of the many ways the game pads out it's difficulty. It also loves to load up on enemy turrets in these sections and it also has Droid dispensers that endlessly spawn droids, You disable these by yet again hacking them before you can hack the terminal you need to end the section so the script will trigger. This makes the game a chore to play.

The shooting is fine for the most part aside from the default assault rifle being a little under powered. All of the guns you would expect in an FPS are here and they all look and sound great.

Your Squads AI is actually very impressive. They never got in my way and they always followed what ever command I gave them to a tee. The squad commands are streamlined and intuitive and make the extremely repetitive combat much more enjoyable. Despite this, Your squad mates function all the same and don't feel unique in a gameplay sense. And eventually. Not even using the squad commands makes up for the poor enemy AI and horrendous gauntlets you constantly face.

Overall this game is really only worth playing if you're a big fan of Star Wars and Clone Wars era content, The boring monotonous combat and incredibly stupid enemy AI make actually playing the game a slog. If you really want to play it I recommend getting it for under 5 dollars like I did


Reviewed on Oct 15, 2021
