i dont even know how i would write a review of this game tbh. i thought the gameplay was somewhat fun but i couldnt really enjoy it cus of the amount of bugs i encountered so instead of writing an actual review ill just list all the issues i encountered during my playthrough:

-its locked to 30 fps for seemingly no reason
-i encountered a bug where i couldnt earn any speedpoints until i restarted the game
-it crashed on me about 10 times, give or take
-sometimes parts of the map would just disappear
-i got softlocked about 30 times. i would just be driving and then my car and all the other drivers would freeze. couldnt even open the menu to escape it
-starting an event would sometimes spawn less drivers than it should, making it impossible to get gold on police hot pursuit events
-the ai collectively share 2 braincells
-sometimes the respawn system will set you in front of a jump without the speed you need to clear it so you'll be stuck in a loop
-weapons are unbalanced as hell, its a death sentence even getting near a racer because they will most likely have the shockwave equipped, an instant fuck you button that damages and knocks back everyone in a 2 mile radius. the cops have something similar called the shock ram, which only hits in front of them but has more range than the shockwave does in the front and also deals more damage. kinda bullshit considering the cops already deal more damage by default. the stun mines are simply a better spike strip, being instantly armed as soon as you drop them. they dont pop tires but they slow you down a bit and they deal damage. then theres the electrostatic field. both sides have it and its complete bullshit. it doesnt shield you from hits but if some poor bastard barely even grazes you for even a second you'll lose half your health and get sent into the nearest wall at the speed of sound. the rest of them are absolute shit so the cops will typically run shock ram and esf while racers will run shockwave and esf.

Reviewed on Jan 06, 2024
