To put it simply, Medal of Honor is a great game for its time, but most of my complaints are how the campaign is pretty short, only taking about 5 or so hours to complete the entirety of it, depending on how long you advance through levels; or how open the maps are, I'm not sure whether the developers were on the verge of making this game either a tactical or run and gun, and the story, as some people have expressed, it's mediocre at best, their focus was on authenticity and realism and it came through very well, it's not good or bad, but I've seen better first person shooters with better stories.

I have a mixed opinion about the multiplayer; developed by DICE. I don't mind that it's on a different engine; it's aesthetically more pleasing than the singleplayer, with more visual effects to make it appear amazing; graphically, I'm not sure. It's just that it doesn't really fit or look like it's from the same game; animation-wise, it's almost identical to Bad Company 2, some animations reused.

tldr: Mediocre story based on authenticity, which Danger Close delivered perfectly if not for its bland game design, dull animations, and overall going against everything the original series did. Play it once, after that immediately drop it or head over to the multiplayer and install a custom client/patch.

Reviewed on Jan 11, 2024
