Dropped after completing Castle Eggman Zone as both Sonic and Tails. I’d like to start off by saying the art style and presentation kick ass and are very faithful to the source material. However I don’t feel the same can be said about the overall control and later level design. Say I have a skill issue all you want but I don’t feel the Speed Thok is a comfortable method of closing gaps/attacking enemies at all in the way the air dash or homing attack in the official 3D games are, combined with how slippery Sonic himself feels to control as is. I’m sorry but these physics do not feel meant for precision platforming period.

Boss fights are also incredibly awkward to get through with the aforementioned control issues along with the uncooperative camera while using the Thok as your only reliable means of attack, and bosses seem even worse trying to attack without it using someone like Tails, who can either only rely on a normal jump or hitting an enemy’s underside with his namesakes.

All in all, Sonic Robo Blast 2 makes me wish I was playing Sonic Adventure instead. Maybe there’s just something I’m not seeing considering how massive the community for this game is and the fact it got an awesome kart racer.

Reviewed on Aug 04, 2022

1 Comment

1 year ago

Tbh I felt there was barely any precise jumps in this game up until the final zone, there were maybe one or two instances I can recall off of the top of my head. Everything else was fairly generous.

Though I'll chock that up to me being very, very familiar with the movement of Doom, which this game is based on. To each their own.