The final expansion of FF:XVI, this DLC brings the player to the north of Valisthea in search of the lost Leviathan dominant.
The DLC is set in a completely new map that brings out the worst of PS5, with a density of vegetation and detail so high the drops in framerate were never more noticeable, but, that said, was stunning to look at and never suffered during fights as it was common for FF:XVI already.
Two new ability trees are added and both have class actions and abilities that I both mastered and made part of my final loadout because of how fun they are. The level cap has also been removed and raised to 100, but in my time I barely made 2 levels, not sure how long it would take to grind to 100.
Compared to the previous DLC this adds a lot more lore and information about the world and overall felt like a worthy experience for both the asking price and the time investment.
Lastly, the game adds an endgame "roguelike" activity of 20 levels, with gauntlets of enemies and bosses, rewarding the player on each level with currency for the mode, and often items that can be used in normal play including a few new weapons, although they are mainly reskins of the same one for each element from what I've seen.
Allegedly there is a secret boss when completing all the levels on Final Fantasy difficulty, but as much as I might love this game, I don't love it as much as to put myself through that.
Overall I had a lot of fun on the DLC and it brought back interest in the game, but I must say especially for the final story boss fight the DPS check was quite punitive and very demanding, but still not a deal breaker.
Strongly suggested, although part of me wished even more I had waited for the PC version of the game just to enjoy this at a better performance.

Reviewed on May 04, 2024
